Tuesday, 28 April 2015

31,536,000 Seconds

So my little blog has being going for a whole year. It seems to have come round pretty quick. I haven't posted nearly as much as I would have liked to have done but spare time is not something I have a lot of.

Over the last year I've taken loads of photos that were going to be the basis of new blog posts but I just never had the time to finish them, so for this celebratory (but lazy) post here are a selection from the posts that never were.





A big thank you to kensosha.blogspot for posting a link on Twitter to my last post on Selective Mutism; visitors went from 0 to nearly 40 visits (40 visits is huge for my blog).
I'm looking forward to the next year and hopefully my work-in-progress posts will appear soon.
Catch You Later!